domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg (Introduction)

 Johannes Gutenberg was born in 1398 in Mainz, Germany, and was a famous

inventor best known as the creator of the first movable type

(It's named for having moving metal parts and a hand press.

It was founded about 1450) in Europe. He was the son of a merchant, Friele Gensfleisch Laden zu

and Wyrich Else, the daughter of a shopkeeper.

very young, Johannes Gutenberg out for being an easy person

understanding and endowed with great inventiveness. With only 15 years old

began to engage in experimentation polish stones and the manufacture of mirrors.

in 1438, Gutenberg went to Strasbourg, where Riffe was associated with Hanz,

Dritzehen Andreas Andres Heilman and with whom she began to perform various processes

related to gem carving and polishing of mirrors to achieve

money for your project. After legal problems including end

to distance and that's when he returned to Mainz Gutenberg.

In 1455, completed the masterpiece of Johannes Gutenberg:

"The Bible of 42 lines." This was written in the Latin version of Scripture

St. Jerome. This work had 120 copies on paper and 20 on vellum.

In February 1468, after spending the last years of his life in ruins,

Johannes Gutenberg died in Mainz.

By Manuel de la Cruz

Johannes Gutenberg (Interests)

When he was very young he working of precious metals and coining.
In Estrasburgo, Gutenberg associated with  Hans Riffe, Andreas Dritzehn and Andreas Heilmann, in related acitivites with cutting ,to polish mirrors, he promised to teach in exchange for money.
However, he wroked in his project.
Johannes Gutenberg make one the most discovery in the world, printing press. With thes invent the people learn too easy and cheap.
But Guemberg have a problems with his partner and over and over he get into debt and they appropiating of invent but he continued his project (bible of  6 lines).

By José Manuel González Ruiz

Johannes Gutenberg (Description)
Johannes Gutenberg weighed around 70-80 kg. It was a man with a long black beard, slim body, polite, strong because he worked in a blacksmith, ugly, ambicious, very patiently and 1,70-1,80 tall.
Her achievements made him brilliant. Her nationality (Germany)  gave him a heavy character. It was a man of promise, because wrote the 150 bibles that he promised.

By Jesús Sevilla del Castillo

Johannes Gutenberg (Conclusion)
What Johannes Gutenberg did was that he invented the printer so everyone could get book and read insted of just the rich people that were able to pay for the hand written books and texts.

By Joel Rune

Questions about Strange Sports

1- Answer the following question.
    1. Bossaball is a combination of which two sport?
        It combines the art of bouncing on trampoline and the volleyball game
    2. Why might bossaball be dangerous?
        It might be dangerous because you can fall down.
    3. What does a bossaball player need to do score 3 points?
        If the ball hits the trampoline on the other side, the first team get three points.
    4. What was the zorb originally used for?
         Originally the zorb was used to walk on water.
    5. What two differences are there between zorbing and hydro zorbing?
         The zorbing is for the earth and the hydro zorbing is for water
    6. Who was the zylinder developed for?
         For children who are too small for the big zorbs.
2- Write true or false.
1.      No one wants to play traditional sports anymore
         True. All over the world people are looking for ways to change the way traditional sport are played.
2.      The bossaball protects the players.
         False. The bossaball don’t protect the players.
3.      Bossaball cannot be played without loud music.
         True. Musics is an important part of game.
4.      The zorb was not originally intended for extreme sport.
         True. Originally the zorb was used to walk on water.
5.      There are different versions of zorbing.
          True. There are three types of zorbing.

By Miguel Martín Fernández

Camel Wrestling

Selçuk is the most tourists important in turkey,it´s very  well-known for Éfeso city, Virgin Maria´s house.

 Camel westilng champioship dozens of thousands of visitors attract attention every year. fighter are dressing with colours ,the colour represent the owner´s win trophy.

In this festival usually participate tülu camels,it´s a mixing camel and dromedary, result a camel more stroger and bigger than a camel or dromedary and it´s prepare to fibht.

If his opponent move away, or a camel fell off or his owner troght a rope you camel win.

 By José Manuel González Ruiz